SoHum Girls

Saturday, August 10, 2024

The SoHum Girls Band is the result of combining 6 professional musicians and singers who love entertaining audiences. They play all original songs, in a variety of genres, from swing to R&B to New Orleans second line to jazzy ballads, funky blues and more! If you enjoy catchy melodies, heartfelt, happy lyrics, 3 and 4-part harmonies, and songs that make you smile, you’ll enjoy their music. Their songs have won contests, been featured in movies, and have been enjoyed by all ages. They are currently recording their 6th CD of original songs. Photo: left to right, Brigette Marie Terry, vocals and percussion; Bill Moehnke, drums and vocals; Marla Joy, bass; Chris Manspeaker, guitar; Marcia Mendels, vocals and keys; Julie Froblom, flute, saxophone and vocals. Photo credit: Alan Olmstead, Sirius Studios.